Piazza Grande
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Vie e giardini

Piazza Grande

At the end of the mass, the Emperor “walked at a fast pace to the centre of the square” where he reviewed the lined up troops, greeting the officers.

Then he signaled the parade of a military marching band to start. The troops went towards the end of the square, passed by the Palazzo del Capitano and then proceeded along Via della Caserma (today Via Oberdan) flanking the old Jesuit College, transformed into barracks from 1776. In 1900 it housed an infantry regiment. It survived the war but was demolished in 1938 as part of the urban renewal project linked to the opening of today’s Via Roma. In its place now stands the INPS (National Insurance) building.


Piazza Vittoria
L'imperatore Francesco Giuseppe assiste alla sfilata delle truppe in Piazza Grande (oggi Piazza Vittoria), 1900.
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L'imperatore Francesco Giuseppe passa in rassegna le truppe schierate, 1900.
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Piazza Grande (oggi Piazza Vittoria) e il Castello, 1910 circa.
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Piazza Grande (oggi Piazza Vittoria), inizi del XX secolo.
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