Palazzo del Capitano Provinciale


Edifici e palazzi

Palazzo del Capitano Provinciale

The Emperor then arrived at Palazzo del Capitano Provinciale, a residence reserved for him.

Franz Joseph sat on the throne shaded by a canopy set up in the courtyard, yet visible from the square. After the representatives of Provincia delivered their gifts to the Emperor, the Head of Provincia offered to the Monarch a golden commemorative medal. One side of it showed the last Gorizia Count, Leonardo, and on the other the Emperor Massimiliano I. After a thank you speech that focused on the loyalty and devotion of the region to the Habsburgs that Franz Joseph delivered in German, and a quick breakfast, the afternoon started with a series of meetings: he started with the clergy, then representatives of the army and finished with delegations of civilian administrators.


Prefettura di Gorizia
Il trono con baldacchino allestito nel cortile del Palazzo del Capitano Provinciale, 1900.
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) Piazza Grande (oggi Piazza Vittoria), inizi XX secolo.
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Il Palazzo del Capitano Provinciale in Piazza Grande (oggi Piazza Vittoria) e Via Rastello, inizi del XX secolo.
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