F.Mansutti, G.Miozzo - Gioventù Italiana del Littorio (G.I.L.)


Edifici e palazzi

F.Mansutti, G.Miozzo - Gioventù Italiana del Littorio (G.I.L.)

Casa della piccola e della giovane italiana

Francesco Mansutti (Donada 1899 – Padova 1969)

Gino Miozzo (Padova 1898 - Padova 1969)

Linked by a business connection and by a deep friendship, Mansutti and Miozzo’s activities were mainly focused on pursuing works commissioned by Renato Ricci, Director of the National Opera Balilla (ONB). The Casa della Gioventù Italiana del Littorio (GIL) is one of the most important social buildings left by the Rationalist building tradition in Gorizia and is one of 23 projects for similar buildings that were built between 1931 and 1938 in Italy. The story of these architectural works, planed and built in such a short time, is still little known today. It’s excellent the way this architecture is marked by contrasting compositions, dimensions and functional variations. If compared, they look profoundly different in the context of environment specifics of each site and the particular functions of each construction.


Via Armando Diaz, 13