Bastioni orientali


Edifici e palazzi

Eastern ramparts

Once through the gate, two paths branch off. Going right, up stairs, we segue a walkway that runs along the eastern side of the Castle.

At the beginning of the 20 th century this area was covered by vegetable gardens and vineyards facing the Val di Rose – “Valley of roses”. Today it’s the area of the Casa Rossa ex-border between Italy and Slovenia. During the war the fields were damaged by trenches Italians dug, and farmhouses nearby were destroyed.


45.943, 13.62876
Trincee italiane sui bastioni orientali del Castello, 1916 circa.
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Soldati Austro-ungarici sui bastioni orientali del Castello, 1915.
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Sentiero sul lato orientale del Castello, 1910.
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