Piazza Duomo – Palazzo degli Stati Provinciali


Vie e giardini

Piazza Cavour - FIrst World War

Via Rastello arrives at Piazza Cavour, in the past called Piazza Duomo, which overlooks the 16th century Palazzo della Dieta provinciale, now Police Headquarters.

During the war the square was the point where military units gathered and then were sent to the southern front. It was contained by razor wire and fixed barriers placed near the house where the painter Giuseppe Tominz was born. Bombings didn’t do much damage to the buildings since the square, thanks to the hill to the Castle, was protected from the heavy Austrian artillery firing from the edge of Trnovo plateau and Ajševica plain, that continuously pounded the nearby square Piazza Sant’Antonio and the San Rocco area.


Piazza Cavour
Il Palazzo della Dieta provinciale (oggi sede della Questura) in Piazza Duomo (oggi Piazza Cavour), 1916
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Piazza Duomo (oggi Piazza Cavour), inizi XX secolo
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Panoramica di Piazza Duomo (oggi Piazza Cavour), 1916 circa
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I reticolati mobili e le difese fisse in Piazza Duomo (oggi Piazza Cavour), 1916 circa
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