Carlo de Morelli - Cover

Carlo de Morelli

Dear Visitor, this city was part of the great County of Gorizia, which also included Cormons and Gradisca: I have been the first one to tell its history.

Dear visitor, I am know as Carlo Morelli of Schönfeld, the noble title my paternal family was given. You find me here in this city because I was the first to tell the story of the great Gorizia County that included Cormons and Gradisca. In 1742 I entered the Jesuit College in Graz; then I went on to study in Vienna, where I attended important political and cultural circles, thanks to the protection of my fellow countryman Johann Karl P. Cobenzl (1712-1770). I was also lucky enough to know the great poet Pietro Metastasio.



Sie können mich hier finden

Palazzo Alvarez
Carlo de Morelli - Sagoma